Sunday, January 15, 2017

Bath Time and Growing Fast!

Sophie is now over 7 pounds!
We went to our two week doctors appointment on Friday, and Sophie weighed in at 6 lbs 15 ounces. She is putting on weight fast now, almost an ounce a day.  So now on Sunday, we can assume she is over 7 lbs.  This was great news!  We saw the "curves" that shows a baby's normal growth rate and she is right on track!  Also, now we can feed on demand.
At first we thought this would be a major milestone, but in reality, she wants to feed all night anyways.  So the next challenge will be to slowly switch her day/night time.  She is a dream all day because she feeds, sleeps and poops.  At night she is all about being fussy.  So overtime we will try to feed more consistently during the day and try to encourage her to sleep more at night.  Who knows if it will work but we are hopeful.

Also, we have noticed that her vision is improving quickly.  We see that she is looking at us and even making eye contact.  Everyday we are getting better at learning her way of telling us she is hungry, has a wet diaper, or is just fussy.  So calming her down is becoming more of a routine versus uncertainty and doubt.
Bath time is her favorite.  Our first real bath was great.  Sophie loves the warm water and getting her head brushed and having warm water all over her.  She had pretty dry skin after her first bath but we read this is totally normal.  Sophie also had some pretty significant newborn rash which has cleared up now except for the occasional small red bump.  

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