Sunday, February 5, 2017

Super Mom

I thought I would be super cheesy and write a post about Melissa
(without her approval....big risk here).

First I should describe the type of person Melissa is.  She doesn't get mad when her husband totally goes crazy on a shed in the back yard.  When its way bigger then it's supposed to be, and we spend way more then we agreed to, she just looked at the bright side.  She always puts other people first, even when she shouldn't.  She is a very caring person with seemingly infinite patience, and I know I test the latter.

The last few weeks I've learned being a mom is tough.  Really Tough!  I try to help where I can, but that generally only consist of watching the baby for a couple hours so she can get some rest, changing some diapers, doing a load of laundry, or just grabbing something for her.  She does everything else.  Most nights, she'll tell me to go to bed so I can get a good night sleep for work.  Many of those nights, I'll wake up in the middle of the night, and she is usually awake breastfeeding or changing a diaper.

She is a great mom, and makes me very proud.  Through all my questions and all our worries, she takes everything in stride with a level head.  Even with little sleep or a cold meal.

She really is a "Super Mom" with super powers, and I love her more and more everyday.

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