Sunday, February 5, 2017

"Thar She Grows!"

It's been a couple weeks since I've posted so lot's of updates.

Sophie has met so many new people this last couple of weeks.  Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Friends, and just people who love to say hello.

She met her new cousin McKenna, who was born Jan 22!  So cool that they will be so close at only 3-4 weeks apart.  She also loves to see her older cousin Josie, who is growing so fast.  Grandma Virgie was here and got to see Sophie and stayed over one night.


Grandma Barb stayed with us for 5 days and it was great to have her around.  We went on great walks and Sophie really liked to be carried in our Ergo and K'tan.  She'll squirm a little at first, but then she'll just fall right to sleep. Grandma Barb, mom, and Sophie went for coffee, went shopping, visited McKenna, and went to Red Hook Brewery for some beer!

She also got to meet Aunt Mary and cousin Pete last weekend with Aunt Kate and her friend Josh.  Also there were Matt, Kelly and Lillian, who is growing so fast!  Sophie loves hanging out with Lil, They have great conversations.

We've been to the doctor for her one month check up and she is doing great.  Any concerns about weight gain seem to be behind us. She is growing an ounce a day since the last check up.  At the last appointment she was 8 pounds 4 oz.  At her next checkup she'll get her first set of shots.  None of us are looking forward to that.

Most recently, Lisa and Anna got to stop by and say hello.  They had a great visit and got to meet and hold Sophie.  Lots of fun!

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