Sunday, March 5, 2017

10 Weeks

It's been a month since we last posted!  How did that happen!?!?!

So life with a baby is fast.  Blink an eye, and a full month has gone by.  

Sophie is growing like a weed.  She has been growing a steady 1oz or more per day.  At her last weigh-in she was 10lbs 1oz.  That was 10 days ago, so now she is probably close to 11 pounds!  She got her first round of shots, at the same appointment.  She did great, though the following day she ended up getting a fever of 100.6 deg. F.  We called into into the doctors and they had us come in to make sure she was OK, and she was.  Better safe then sorry!

Sophie has really turned into a happy baby.  She loves to laugh and giggle and coo back and forth until she get's sleepy.  She also loves to poop!

Sophie loves to go get bagels with mom and dad. She's been shopping with mommy and Auntie Jess, Josie, and Mickey.  She loves to look around and loves big trees.  She really likes getting rides in the Ergo and K'tan carriers.  She'll fight falling asleep as long as she can, but eventually she'll just falls asleep.

We've had lots of visitors including Grandma Barb and Herman.  We had a great visit while they were out here.  We had lots of good food, especially a Peruvian meal cooked by Delsy, Adam's wife.  Brent and Renata also stopped by on their way back from Whistler.  Sophie was a bit fussy while they were here, but maybe she gave them a good taste of baby life.... :)

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